KDAP follows the philosophy of the School of Nature and the Big Bang school, that the child is taught through practical experience and that what he learns must be connected to what he knows and needs. So it satisfies the basic needs of the child, which is to learn in a playful way and relieve him from the busy schedule of his day, especially for elementary school children.

The child in our KDAP has the opportunity to complete the goals of the lessons he takes at school and reach a result that will satisfy himself and his family.

We have designed the program so that it has the ability to be personally shaped for each student according to their needs and to connect the subjects, Language, Mathematics, Physics, Geography, History, as in life they are connected. The history of a place is determined by its geography and every time a discovery is made in the field of natural sciences or technology we have social and historical change and this through the program the student will be able to understand, to form a holistic view of the things, which will help him to respond safely, much more effectively and less strenuously to the demands of his school and his further academic course. After all, even the most basic will be able to understand life in order to succeed in whatever he chooses to do!

So there is the daily program with the workshops and now we are also introducing the innovation of the personalized program. The KDAP, with its flexible architecture and structure, turns into a modern search, research and technology laboratory, in which each child, with the advice of their personal mentor, can develop their individual project. This project will have arisen after a conversation with each child and will be based on their needs and interests.

This means that there will be a fixed teacher each day plus the specialist who will do the workshops.

Theatrical play and cinema workshop

The workshop in question gives the children the opportunity to work on the emotional as well as the creative part, through various techniques of Theater and Cinema. To come into contact with the various types of these arts and to cultivate their aesthetic and textual development.


Collaboration with Aloha Greece for a global program designed to help children develop brains by connecting left and right hemispheres through abacus math, with the result of changing their performance in all school subjects. Increases mathematical perception, strengthens visual and auditory ability, cultivates self-concentration, imagination, insight, increases photographic memory, develops combinatorial thinking, boosts self-confidence. It also has impressive results in a short period of time for children with learning difficulties.

Kinetic games

Physical exercise through play is a basic condition not only for the child’s physical development, which is a condition for health, but also for cognitive development as the brain develops through aesthetic experiences. It works therapeutically and develops the emotional and social sector as it offers:

  • Self awareness
  • Building relationships with others
  • Perception of space in which they are and move.
Messy Play

Sensory toy for children aged …….., who through their contact with materials that “dirty” develop mentally and emotionally. This is done inside but also outside in the yard as the environment of our school enables many authentic messy play experiences

I exercise through the game

Workshop that combines exercise with natural nutrition to lead children to a holistic way of understanding physical health. We help them acquire correct eating habits to “build” a strong body and lay the foundations for mental health as well, through the understanding that the human body is a chemistry laboratory.

Stem - Robotics

Collaboration with Aloha Greece for a global program designed to help children develop brains by connecting left and right hemispheres through abacus math, with the result of changing their performance in all school subjects. Increases mathematical perception, strengthens visual and auditory ability, cultivates self-concentration, imagination, insight, increases photographic memory, develops combinatorial thinking, boosts self-confidence. It also has impressive results in a short period of time for children with learning difficulties.

Escape room - mystery games

Dynamic actions with mental tests, aimed at problem solving, exploration, perception, cooperation, speed skills. We combine it with LARP (Live Action Role Playing Games) and use Greek and world mythology and legends, where the heroes must find the solution to riddles and riddles to reach their goal, as happened in myth of Odysseus and the Cyclops.

Music-motor therapy

A workshop that combines music, speech and movement. Creative expression that helps children connect the body with the spirit. To understand time and rhythm and to develop imagination and creativity. We also use it as a tool to approach language and math programs!!